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Jun 15, 2023

Windup 6.2.5 Release Notes

Changes in Windup 6.2.5.Final

New rulesets

  • “JavaEE to Quarkus” ruleset manages (WINDUPRULE-945):
    • initial Maven project setup
    • CDI
    • JAX-RS
    • Static resources
    • new quarkus3 migration target

Bug fixes

  • On Windows: Rules report not loading (WINDUP-3883)
  • On Windows: Export zip not working (WINDUP-3881)
  • Reports: some graphs have wrong scales (WINDUP-3903)
  • Rules: apply FacesContext hint only to expected code (WINDUPRULE-920)
  • Web Console: Edit project needs to click twice the “Save” button (WINDUP-3877)
  • dependencies updates for CVEs

Fixes in Windup 6.2.4.Final

  • Update versions of Spring Boot supported by Red Hat Runtimes (WINDUPRULE-983)
  • Project details: Need to click twice the Next button to proceed to the next step (WINDUP-3845)
  • Improved logging by removing stacktrace printing for some warnings
  • Enhanced rules testing to support /* syntax for testDataPath tag

Fixes in Windup 6.2.3.Final

Fixes in Windup 6.2.1.Final

  • Fixed Issues report rendering when “Skip source code reports” option is enabled(WINDUP-3791)
  • Web Console: excluded logs folder from exported ZIP reports (WINDUP-3793)

Changes from Windup 6.2.0.Final

New features

Some of the features below have been published in previous z-stream versions of Windup 6.1. But they have been listed here for completeness.

New reports

The reports generated by Windup have been rewritten using PatternFly 4. They contain the rich content that the originals had, but are much better presented, easier to navigate and consistent in style with the Web console’s user interface. Users that wish to continue using the original reports can generate them via the --legacyReports advanced option (see below).

A new filter on the Issues report allows issues to be filtered by migration target(s) and/or migration source(s).

New advanced options

  • --exitCodes: this option will ensure that Windup will return a zero return code if an analysis completes successfully and a non-zero return code when an analysis fails
  • --exportSummary: this option generates a JSON file in the output folder for each application analyzed. Each JSON file contains the story points and incident count (by category) as well as the application’s collection of technology tags
  • --exportZipReport: this option will create a file containing all of the analysis outputs; reports, .csv files and .json files (the last two only if requested)
  • --legacyReports: this option will ensure the original format reports are generated rather than the new style PatternFly 4 reports
  • --skipSourceCodeReports: the source code report allows users to view migration issues within the context of the application source code. Having all of the analyzed applications source code visible within the reports could be a security concern. This option will suppress the generation of the source code report, but all the other reports are still generated

Multi-platform/arch containers

For users that want to run the CLI within a container there are now 4 different architectures (amd64, arm64, ppc64le and s390x) available. will automatically provide the version appropriate for you.

New rulesets and targets

  • This release contains the complete set of rules to support users adopting JBoss EAP 8.0 Beta and Hibernate 6.2.
  • A new azure-spring-apps target has been introduced for migrating Spring applications to Azure.
  • A new discovery target has been introduced that will only execute the rules that identify the technologies embedded within the application. It provides an efficient way of understanding the technology landscape for the collection of applications being analyzed that will inform the migration strategy for each.
  • For Hibernate users we have introduced a new target shortcut hibernate6. When an analysis is executed with that target supplied, all of the rulesets that have the hibernate:6 or jakarta-ee target are used within the analysis.
  • The ability to map multiple targets to a single target shortcut (e.g. hibernate6.windup.technologytransformer.xml).

New Technology Tags

  • The technology tags based upon Java EE deployment descriptors now include the version. For example EJB 3.2
  • Generate enterprise Java EE technology tags for Jakarta EE applications

Web UI package selection

The package selection step of the analysis configuration has changed. The user must switch on package selection if they wish to nominate the list of packages to be included within the analysis. This change makes the Web UI behavior consistent with the CLI.

Updated Nexus index of known software artifacts

Last updated 21st March 2023.

Java compatibility

The CLI and Maven plugin supports the following versions of Java:

  • OpenJDK 11
  • Oracle JDK 11
  • Eclipse Temurin JDK 11
  • OpenJDK 17
  • Oracle JDK 17
  • Eclipse Temurin JDK 17

The Web UI, due to its dependency on Wildfly only supports:

  • OpenJDK 11
  • Oracle JDK 11
  • Eclipse Temurin JDK 11

Java 17 compatibility for the Web UI will be added in a future release.

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