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Aug 3, 2022

Get started


There are 2 distributions available within the first upstream release; the CLI and the Web UI.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. WINDUP supports the following JDKs:
    • OpenJDK 11
    • Oracle JDK 11
  • 8 GB RAM
  • MacOS installation: the value of maxproc must be 2048 or greater.

Installing the CLI

Extract the CLI zip file to a directory of your choice <WINDUP_CLI_HOME>.

If you are installing on a Windows operating system:

  • Extract the CLI zip file to a folder named windup to avoid a Path too long error. Alternatively, extract the file with 7-Zip to a folder of any name you choose.
  • If a Confirm file replace window is displayed during extraction, click Yes to all.

Running the CLI

Open a terminal and navigate to the <WINDUP_CLI_HOME>/bin/ directory.

Execute the windup-cli script, or windup-cli.bat for Windows, and specify the appropriate arguments:

./windup-cli \
--input /path/to/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear \
--output /path/to/output \
--target eap:7
  • --input: The application to be evaluated. Multiple input applications can be supplied, but each must be preceded by the --input argument. The path can also be a to a folder containing multiple applications
  • --output: The output directory for the generated reports.
  • --target: The target technology for the application migration.

For a full list of CLI options

./windup-cli --help

For a full list of CLI target technologies

./windup-cli --listTargetTechnologies

Installing the Web UI locally

Extract the Web Console zip file to a directory of your choice <WINDUP_UI_HOME>.

If you are installing on a Windows operating system:

  • Extract the Web Console zip file to a folder named windup to avoid a Path too long error. Alternatively, extract the file with 7-Zip to a folder of any name you choose.
  • If a Confirm file replace window is displayed during extraction, click Yes to all.

Running the Web UI

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <WINDUP_UI_HOME> directory.
  2. Execute the script, or run_windup.bat for Windows.
  3. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/windup-ui
  4. The default user is migration and the default password is password.
  5. Follow the wizard to create your first migration project, upload applications for analysis, define your analysis configuration, execute the analysis and review the reports.

Installing the Web UI on OpenShift 4 (using UI)

  1. Extract the Web Console zip file to a directory of your choice <WINDUP_UI_HOME>.
  2. Navigate to the <WINDUP_UI_HOME>/openshift/templates directory.
  3. Copy the content of file web-template-empty-dir-executor.json.
  4. Go to Openshift Web Console, Developer view
  5. Paste it in the “Import YAML / JSON” wizard and save it.
  6. Click on the +Add link and open the All services catalog
  7. Input windup (or migration) in the search text box and click on the Windup template Windup template in Catalog
  8. Click on Instantiate Template
  9. Scroll down to the bottom to deploy with the working default values and click on Create button
  10. In the Topology page, click on the windup-web-console application then click the Resources tab
  11. Click the secure-windup-web-console route to open the Windup web console
  12. Enter the user migration and password password and click Log in
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