Forking and cloning the {ProductName} XML rules

The {ProductName} windup-rulesets repository provides working examples of how to create custom Java-based rule add-ons and XML rules. You can use them as a starting point for creating your own custom rules.

You must have the git client installed on your machine.

  1. Click the Fork link on the {ProductName} Rulesets GitHub page to create the project in your own Git. The forked GitHub repository URL created by the fork should look like this:<YOUR_USER_NAME>/windup-rulesets.git.

  2. Clone your {ProductName} rulesets repository to your local file system:

    $ git clone<YOUR_USER_NAME>/windup-rulesets.git
  3. This creates and populates a windup-rulesets directory on your local file system. Navigate to the newly created directory, for example

    $ cd windup-rulesets/
  4. If you want to be able to retrieve the latest code updates, add the remote upstream repository so you can fetch any changes to the original forked repository.

    $ git remote add upstream
  5. Get the latest files from the upstream repository.

    $ git fetch upstream