Creating a basic XML rule

This section describes how to create an {ProductShortName} XML rule. This assumes that you already have {ProductShortName} installed. See the {ProductShortName} {ProductDocUserGuideURL}[CLI Guide] for installation instructions.

Creating a basic XML rule template

{ProductShortName} XML rules consist of conditions and actions and use the following rule pattern:


Create a file with the following contents, which is the basic syntax for XML rules.


The XML file name must include the .windup.xml extension. Otherwise, {ProductShortName} does not evaluate the new rule.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset id="unique-ruleset-id"
    <!-- Metadata about the rule including a description,
         source technology, target technology, and any
         add-on dependencies -->
    <rule id="unique-ruleset-id-01000">
            <!-- Test a condition... -->
            <!-- Perform this action when condition is satisfied -->
            <!-- Perform this action when condition is not satisfied -->

Creating the ruleset metadata

The XML ruleset metadata element provides additional information about the ruleset such as a description, the source and target technologies, and add-on dependencies. The metadata also allows for specification of tags, which allow you to provide additional information about a ruleset.

<metadata> example
<ruleset id="unique-ruleset-id"
            This is the description.
            <addon id="org.jboss.windup.rules,windup-rules-javaee,2.0.1.Final"/>
            <addon id="org.jboss.windup.rules,windup-rules-java,2.0.0.Final"/>
    <sourceTechnology id="weblogic" versionRange="(10,12]"/>
    <sourceTechnology id="ejb" versionRange="(2,3]"/>
    <targetTechnology id="eap" versionRange="(5,6]"/>
    <targetTechnology id="ejb" versionRange="(2,3]"/>

Creating a rule

Individual rules are contained within the <rules> element. They comprise one or more when conditions and perform actions.

See the XML rule schema for valid rule syntax.

Creating a <when> condition

The XML rule <when> element tests for a condition. The following is a list of valid <when> conditions.

Element Description


The standard logical and operator.


Find strings or text within files, for example, properties files.


Define file names to internal stored File model.


Test for a match in a Java class.


Exclude javaclass that you would like to ignore in processing discovery.


The standard logical not operator.


The standard logical or operator.


Define package names to organization or libraries.


Test for project characteristics, such as dependencies.


Always match.


Test for a match in an XML file.

The specific syntax is dependent on whether you are creating a rule to evaluate Java class, an XML file, a project, or file content.

Creating a <perform> action

The XML rule <perform> element performs the action when the condition is met. Operations allowed in this section of the rule include the classification of application resources, in-line hints for migration steps, links to migration information, and project line item reporting. The following is a list of valid <perform> actions.

Element Description


This operation adds metadata that you want to apply to the entire file. For example, if the Java Class is a JMS Message Listener, you can add a Classification with the title "JMS Message Listener" that includes information that applies to the entire file. You can also set an effort level for the entire file.


This operation adds metadata to a line within the file. This provides a hint or inline information about how to migrate a section of code.


This specifies to iterate over an implicit or explicit variable defined within the rule.


This provides a high-level message that is displayed in the application overview page.


This provides an HTML link to additional information or documentation about the migration task.


This specifies how to transform an XML file.