Creating a validation report

You can create a validation report for your custom rules.

  1. Navigate to the local windup-rulesets repository.

  2. Create a directory for your custom rules and tests: windup-rulesets/rules-reviewed/myTests.

  3. Copy your custom rules and tests to the windup-rulesets/rules-reviewed/<myTests> directory.

  4. Run the following command from the root directory of the windup-rulesets repository:

    $ mvn -Dtest=WindupRulesMultipleTests -DrunTestsMatching=<myTests> clean <myReport>:report (1) (2)
    1. Specify the directory containing your custom rules and tests. If you omit the -DrunTestsMatching argument, the validation report will include all the tests and take much longer to generate.

    2. Specify your report name.

      The validation report is created in the windup-rulesets/target/site/ repository.