Installing in a connected environment
You need a connected environment to install the {PluginName}.
The {PluginName} has been tested with the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) for Java Enterprise Developers 2023-03.
Unresolved directive in eclipse-installing-plugin.adoc - include::snippet_jdk-hardware-mac-prerequisites.adoc[leveloffset=0]
JBoss Tools, installed from the Eclipse Marketplace
ImportantYou must also add JBoss Tools dependencies that are required by Eclipse during the {ProductShortName} plug-in installation process. For more information, see Adding JBoss Tools dependencies for the {ProductShortName} plug-in.
Mylyn SDK and frameworks, installed with Eclipse
Eclipse is pre-configured for Java 17, and the plugin operates directly with Java 17. You can also run the plugin with Java 11, which requires setting the JRE version to Java 11 when creating up a new Eclipse project or importing an existing one. See step 6 below. |
Launch Eclipse.
From the menu bar, select Help → Install New Software.
Next to the Work with field, click Add.
In the Name field, enter
. -
In the Location field, enter
Select the Java version to use.
If using Java 11, in the JRE list, select JavaSE 11.
If using Java 17, leave the JRE selection unchanged.
Select all the JBoss Tools - {ProductShortName} check boxes and click Next.
Review the installation details and click Next.
Accept the terms of the license agreement and click Finish.
Restart Eclipse.