Installing the {WebName} on {ocp-short} 4.11 and later

You can install the {WebName} on {ocp-short} 4.11 and later versions with the {ProductName} Operator.

Configuring Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO)

You must decide at installation time whether the {WebName} requires authentication. If it does, you must first install and configure Red Hat SSO and input some RH SSO settings when instantiating the MTR Operator.


Authentication can not be added or removed after installation.

  1. Open the Red Hat SSO administration console.

  2. Add a realm named windup.

  3. In the realm, create a client named windup-web.

  4. Check that Access Type is set to public. Set Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins to *. Click *Save*.

    Note that after the {ProductShortName} operator has been instantiated, the Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins fields have to be set to the secure-mtr-web-console route.

  5. Create a role named user.

  6. Create a user with any name.

  7. Set the credentials of the user, disable Temporary, and assign the role "user" to the user.

Installing the {ProductShortName} Operator
  1. Log in to the OpenShift web console as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

  2. Click OperatorsOperatorHub.

  3. Use the Search by keyword field to locate the {DocInfoProductName} Operator.

  4. Click Install.

  5. Select a project from the Installed Namespace list and click Install.

  6. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators to verify that the Operator is installed.

Installing the {WebName} application
  1. Log in to the OpenShift web console as a user with project-admin-user privileges.

  2. Switch to the Migration perspective and click +Add.

  3. In the Add view, click Operator Backed.

  4. Click the {DocInfoProductName} Operator.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Review the application settings. If the {WebName} requires authentication, input the RH SSO settings and click Create.

  7. In the Topology view, click the mtr-web-console application and then click the Resources tab.

  8. If authentication is required, set the RH SSO Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins fields to the secure-mtr-web-console route.

  9. Click the secure-mtr-web-console route to open the {WebName} in a new browser window.