Running the {CLINameTitle}

You can run {ProductShortName} against your application.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bin/ directory.

  2. Execute the {LC_PSN}-cli script, or {LC_PSN}-cli.bat for Windows, and specify the appropriate arguments:

    $ ./{LC_PSN}-cli --input /path/to/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear --output /path/to/output --source weblogic --target eap:6 --packages com.acme org.apache
    • --input: The application to be evaluated.

    • --output: The output directory for the generated reports.

    • --source: The source technology for the application migration.

    • --target: The target technology for the application migration.

    • --packages: The packages to be evaluated. This argument is highly recommended to improve performance.

  3. Access the report.

{ProductShortName} Command examples

Running {ProductShortName} on an application archive

The following command analyzes the com.acme and org.apache packages of the jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear example EAR archive for migrating from JBoss EAP 5 to JBoss EAP 7:

$ <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bin/{LC_PSN}-cli --input /path/to/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear --output /path/to/report-output/ --source eap:5 --target eap:7 --packages com.acme org.apache

Running {ProductShortName} on source code

The following command analyzes the org.jboss.seam packages of the seam-booking-5.2 example source code for migrating to JBoss EAP 6.

$ <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bin/{LC_PSN}-cli --sourceMode --input /path/to/seam-booking-5.2/ --output /path/to/report-output/ --target eap:6 --packages org.jboss.seam

Running cloud-readiness rules

The following command analyzes the com.acme and org.apache packages of the jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear example EAR archive for migrating to JBoss EAP 7. It also evaluates for cloud readiness:

$ <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bin/{LC_PSN}-cli --input /path/to/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear --output /path/to/report-output/ --target eap:7 --target cloud-readiness --packages com.acme org.apache

Overriding {ProductShortName} properties

To override the default Fernflower decompiler, pass the -Dwindup.decompiler argument on the command line. For example, to use the Procyon decompiler, use the following syntax:

$ <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bin/{LC_PSN}-cli -Dwindup.decompiler=procyon --input <INPUT_ARCHIVE_OR_DIRECTORY> --output <OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY> --target <TARGET_TECHNOLOGY> --packages <PACKAGE_1> <PACKAGE_2>

About {ProductShortName} {CLINameTitle} Bash completion

The {ProductShortName} {CLIName} provides an option to enable Bash completion for Linux systems, allowing the {ProductShortName} command-line arguments to be auto completed by pressing the Tab key when entering the commands. For instance, when Bash completion is enabled, entering the following displays a list of available arguments.

$ <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bin/{LC_PSN}-cli [TAB]

Enabling Bash completion

To enable Bash completion for the current shell, execute the following command:

$ source <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bash-completion/{LC_PSN}-cli

Enabling persistent Bash completion

The following commands allow Bash completion to persist across restarts:

Accessing {ProductShortName} help

To see the complete list of available arguments for the {LC_PSN}-cli command, open a terminal, navigate to the <{ProductShortName}_HOME> directory, and execute the following command:

$ <{ProductShortName}_HOME>/bin/{LC_PSN}-cli --help