User Interface views
The {ProductName} ({ProductShortName}) {WebName} and has two user interfaces with different functionalities:
Administration view
Migration view
Administration view
If you are an administrator, you can use the Administration view of {ProductShortName} {WebName} to manage the configuration of an instance.
You can use Credentials view to create and manage credentials to access private repositories.
The credentials page displays the available credentials, Edit and Delete buttons and the following fields:
Source Control
Source Private Key/Passphrase
Maven Settings File
Type specific information
Created by
Credential information entered, such as keys and passphrases, is hidden or displayed as [Encrypted], except for Maven settings files. When Maven setting files are created, the file is uploaded and its contents are displayed in the text box to enable the user to make changes if desired. [Encrypted] only appears on edit for Maven Settings files. |
The repository management module configures how the repositories can be consumed by {ProductShortName} {WebName} and has the following options:
Git configuration
Consume insecure Git repositories
Subversion configuration
Consume insecure Subversion repositories
Maven configuration
Manage repository size
Consume insecure artifact repositories
You can configure HTTP and HTTPS proxy settings and credentials with the following steps.
In the Proxy view configure the proxies and enter the following information:
Proxy host
Proxy port
Optional: Authentication
Proxy credentials