Contributing to the project
To help the {ProductName} cover most application constructs and server configurations, including yours, you can help with any of the following items:
Send an email to and let us know what {ProductShortName} migration rules must cover.
Provide example applications to test migration rules.
Identify application components and problem areas that might be difficult to migrate:
Write a short description of the problem migration areas.
Write a brief overview describing how to solve the problem in migration areas.
Try {ProductName} on your application. Make sure to report any issues you meet.
Contribute to the {ProductName} rules repository:
Write a {ProductName} rule to identify or automate a migration process.
Create a test for the new rule.
For more information, see Rules Development Guide.
Contribute to the project source code:
Create a core rule.
Improve {ProductShortName} performance or efficiency.
Any level of involvement is greatly appreciated!