Creating a basic YAML ruleset template

If you want to group multiple similar rules, you can create a ruleset for them by placing their files in a directory and creating a ruleset.yaml file at the directory’s root. When you pass this directory as input to the {ProductShortName} {CLIName} using the --rules option, {ProductShortName} treats all the files in the directory as belonging to the ruleset defined in the ruleset.yaml file.

  1. Create a template for ruleset.yaml files if you want to pass the entire directory using the --rules option:

    name: <RULESET_NAME> (1)
    description: <RULESET_DESCRIPTION>
    labels: (2)
      - key=val
    1. The name must be unique within the provided rulesets.

    2. Ruleset labels are inherited by all rules that belong to the ruleset.