1. Introduction
This guide is for engineers, consultants, and others who plan to use Windup to migrate Java applications or other components.
1.1. What is Windup?
Windup is an extensible and customizable rule-based tool that helps simplify migration of Java applications.
Running from a Forge environment, Windup examines application artifacts, including project source directories and applications archives, then produces an HTML report highlighting areas that need changes. Windup can be used to migrate Java applications from previous versions of Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform or from other containers, such as Oracle® WebLogic Server or IBM® WebSphere® Application Server.
How Does Windup Simplify Migration?
Windup looks for common resources and highlights technologies and known “trouble spots” when migrating applications. The goal is to provide a high level view into the technologies used by the application and provide a detailed report organizations can use to estimate, document, and migrate enterprise applications to Java EE and JBoss EAP.
1.2. Features of Windup
- Shared Data Model
Windup creates a shared data model graph that provides the following benefits.
It enables complex rule interaction, allowing rules to pass findings to other rules.
It enables 3rd-party plug-ins to interact with other plug-ins, rules and reports.
The findings in data graph model can be searched and queried during rule execution and used for reporting purposes.
- Extensibility
Windup can be extended by developers, users, and 3rd-party software.
It provides a plug-in API to inject other applications into Windup.
It enables 3rd-parties to create simple POJO plug-ins that can interact with the data graph.
Means we don’t have to invent everything. Users with domain knowledge can implement their own rules.
- Better Rules
Windup provides more powerful and complex rules.
XML-based rules are simple to write and and easy to implement.
Java-based rule add-ons are based on OCPsoft Rewrite and provide greater flexibility and power creating when rules.
Rules can now be nested to handle more complex situations. This means you can nest simple statements rather than use complex XPATH or REGEX expressions. *Rules can be linked using and/or statements
- Work Estimation
Estimates for the level of effort are based on the skills required and the classification of migration work needed. Level of effort is represented as story points in the Windup reports.
- Better Reporting
Windup reports are now targeted for specific audiences.
Project Management - Reports detail the type of work and estimation of effort to complete the tasks.
Developers: Reports provide hints and suggested code changes by class or file.
1.3. About Windup Rules
Windup is a rule-based migration tool that analyzes the APIs, technologies, and architectures used by the applications you plan to migrate. In fact, the Windup tool executes its own core set of rules through all phases of the migration process. It uses rules to extract files from archives, decompile files, scan and classify file types, analyze XML and other file content, analyze the application code, and build the reports.
Windup builds a data model based on the rule execution results and stores component data and relationships in a graph database, which can then be queried and updated as needed by the migration rules and for reporting purposes.
Windup rules use the following familiar rule pattern:
when(condition) perform(action) otherwise(action)
Windup provides comprehensive set of standard migration rules out-of-the-box. Because applications may contain custom libraries or components, Windup allows you to write your own rules to identify use of components or software that may not be covered by the existing ruleset. If you plan to write your own custom rules, see the Windup Rules Development Guide for detailed instructions.
1.4. System Requirements
1.4.1. Software
Java Platform, JRE version 7+
Windup is tested on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Other Operating Systems with Java 7+ support should work equally well.
1.4.2. Hardware
The following memory and disk space requirements are the minimum needed to run Windup. If your application is very large or you need to evaluate multiple applications, you may want to increase these values to improve performance. For tips on how to optimize performance, see Optimize Windup Performance.
A minimum of 4 GB RAM. For better performance, a 4-core processor with 8 GB RAM is recommended. This allows 3 - 4 GB RAM for use by the JVM.
A minimum of 4 GB of free disk space. A fast disk, especially a Solid State Drive (SSD), will improve performance.
1.5. About the WINDUP_HOME Variable
This documentation uses the WINDUP_HOME replaceable value to denote the path to the Windup distribution. When you encounter this value in the documentation, be sure to replace it with the actual path to your Windup installation.
If you download and install the latest distribution of Windup from the JBoss Nexus repository, WINDUP_HOME refers to the windup-distribution-2.5.0-Final folder extracted from the downloaded ZIP file.
If you build Windup from GitHub source, WINDUP_HOME refers to the windup-distribution-2.5.0-Final folder extracted from the windup-distribution/target/windup-distribution-2.5.0-Final.zip file.
2. Get Started
2.1. Install Windup
Download the latest Windup ZIP distribution.
Extract the ZIP file in to a directory of your choice.
2.2. Execute Windup
2.2.1. Overview
These instructions use the replaceable variable WINDUP_HOME
to refer to the fully qualified path to your Windup installation. For more information, see About the WINDUP_HOME Variable.
2.2.2. Run Windup
Open a terminal and navigate to the WINDUP_HOME directory.
Run Windup against the application using the appropriate command.
See Windup Command Line Arguments below for a detailed description of the available command line arguments.
The basic command to run Windup uses the following syntax.
To evaluate an application archive, use the following syntax:
To run Windup against application source code, add the
To override the default Fernflower decompiler, pass the
argument on the command line. For example, to use the Procyon compiler, use the following syntax:bin/windup -Dwindup.decompiler=procyon --input INPUT_ARCHIVE_OR_DIRECTORY --output OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY --source SOURCE_TECHNOLOGY --target TARGET_TECHNOLOGY --packages PACKAGE_1 PACKAGE_2 PACKAGE_N
See Windup Command Examples below for concrete examples of commands that use source code directories and archives located in the Windup GitHub repository.
You should see the following result upon completion of the command:
**SUCCESS*** Windup report created: PATH_TO_REPORTS/index.html Access it at this URL: file:///home/username/PATH_TO_REPORTS/index.html
WarningDepending on the size of the application and the hardware Windup is running on, this command can take a very long time. For tips on how to improve performance, see Optimize Windup Performance. -
Open the
file in a browser to access the report. The following subdirectories in theOUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY
contain the supporting information for the report:OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY/ ├── archives/ ├── graph/ ├── reports/ ├── stats/ ├── index.html ├── OPTIONAL_EXPORTED_CSV_FILE.csv
For details on how to evaluate the report data, see Review the Report.
2.2.3. Windup Help
To see the complete list of available arguments for the windup
command, open a terminal, navigate to the WINDUP_HOME directory, and execute the following command:
bin/windup --help
2.2.4. Windup Command Line Arguments
The following is a detailed description of the available Windup command line arguments.
Each input argument is a fully qualified path to a file or directory containing one or more applications to be migrated. This argument is required. Multiple paths are separated by a space. The argument might appear multiple times in the command.
When used in combination with the following arguments, the file input type is evaluated as follows.
Table 1. Input File Argument Description Table Input File Type — explodedApp argument — sourceMode argument Neither argument specified DIRECTORY
Directory evaluated as a single application
Directory evaluated as a single application
Each directory entry is evaluated as a single application
Argument is ignored and the file is evaluated as a single application.
The file is evaluated as a compressed project.
The file is evaluated as a single application.
- --output OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY (optional)
This is the fully qualified path to the directory that will contain the the report information produced by Windup.
If omitted, the report will be generated in a INPUT_ARCHIVE_OR_DIRECTORY.report directory.
If the output directory exists, you will be prompted with the following (with a default of N).
Overwrite all contents of "/home/username/OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY" (anything already in the directory will be deleted)? [y,N]
However, if you specify the
argument, Windup will proceed to delete and recreate the directory.WarningBe careful not to specify a report output directory that contains important information!
- --overwrite (optional)
Specify this argument only if you are certain you want to force Windup to delete the existing OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY directory. If you do not specify this argument and the
directory exists, you are prompted to choose whether to overwrite the contents. - --sourceMode (optional)
If used, indicates the application to be evaluated contains source files rather than compiled binaries. See the the Input File Argument Description Table above for details.
- --explodedApp (optional)
If used, indicates the directory contains source files for a single application or directory entries for multiple applications. See the the Input File Argument Description Table above for details.
- --source SOURCE_1 SOURCE_2 (optional)
A space delimited list of one or more source technologies, servers, platforms, or frameworks to migrate from. This determines which rulesets are used during migration. Example: --source eap
TipFor the list of the available
servers or frameworks, use the--listSourceTechnologies
argument on thewindup
command line as in the following example.bin/windup --listSourceTechnologies
- --target TARGET_1 TARGET_2 (optional unless --batchMode is set)
A space delimited list of one or more target technologies, servers, platforms, or frameworks to migrate to. If you do not specify this option, you are prompted to select a target. The default target technology is
.TipFor the list of the available
servers or frameworks, use the--listTargetTechnologies
argument on thewindup
command line as in the following example.bin/windup --listTargetTechnologies
- --packages PACKAGE_1 PACKAGE_2 PACKAGE_N (recommended)
A space delimited list of the packages to be evaluated by Windup.
In most cases, you are interested only in evaluating custom application class packages and not standard Java EE or 3rd party packages. The
argument is a package prefix; all subpackages will be scanned. For example, to scan the packagescom.mycustomapp
, use--packages com.mycustomapp com.myotherapp
argument on the command line. -
While you can provide package names for standard Java EE 3rd party software like
, it is usually best not to include them as they should not impact the migration effort.WarningIf you omit the --packages
argument, every package in the application is scanned, which can impact performance. It is best to provide this argument with one or more packages.
- --excludePackages PACKAGE_1 PACKAGE_2 PACKAGE_N (optional)
This is a space-delimited list of the packages to be excluded by Windup.
- --includeTags TAG_1 TAG_2 (optional)
Limit processing to rules that contain the specified tags. If this option is not specified, all tags are processed. Multiple tags are delimited by spaces.
- --excludeTags TAG_1 TAG_2 (optional)
Do not process rules that contain the specified tags. If this option is not specified, all tags are processed.
TipFor the list of the available tags, use the
argument on thewindup
command line as in the following example.bin/windup --listTag
- --userRulesDirectory CUSTOM_RULES_DIRECTORY (optional)
By default, Windup looks for rules in the
directory. This option allows you to provide the fully qualified path to a user directory containing additional custom XML rules that should be loaded and executed by Windup. The ruleset files must use one of the following extensions:*.windup.groovy
. - --userIgnorePath CUSTOM_IGNORE_DIRECTORY (optional)
Windup looks for file names matching the pattern
to identify files that should be ignored. By default, it looks for these files in the~/.windup/ignore/
directories, but this option allows you to create files with this pattern name in a different directory. - --exportCSV (optional)
Export the report data to a CSV formatted file on your local file system. Windup creates the file in the directory specified by the
argument. The CSV file can be imported into your favorite spreadsheet program for data manipulation and analysis. For details, see Export the Report for Use by Spreadsheet Programs. - --additionalClassPath JAR_OR_DIRECTORY_1 JAR_OR_DIRECTORY_2 (optional)
Use this option to add additional JAR files or directories to the classpath so they are available for decompilation or other analysis. For example:
--additionalClassPath MyClasses.jar com/mycompany/
- --offline (optional)
If specified, do all processing offline and do not fetch updates or other data from the Internet.
- --updateRulesets (optional)
Update the core rulesets distributed with Windup. It first checks for the existence of newer release, and if found, replaces the current rulesets directory with the new one.
TipTo update the rulesets without analyzing an application, pass only this argument on the
command line as in the following example.bin/windup --updateRulesets
- --batchMode (optional)
Specifies that Windup should be run in a non-interactive mode without prompting for confirmation. This mode takes the default values for any parameters not passed in via the command line.
2.2.5. Windup Command Examples
The following examples report against applications located in the Windup source test-files directory.
Source Code Example
The following command runs against the seam-booking-5.2 application source code. It evaluates all org.jboss.seam
packages and creates a directory named 'seam-booking-report' in the /home/username/windup-reports/
directory to contain the reporting output.
bin/windup --sourceMode --input /home/username/windup-source/test-files/seam-booking-5.2/ --output /home/username/windup-reports/seam-booking-report --target eap --packages org.jboss.seam
Archive Example
The following command runs against the jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear EAR archive. It evaluates all com.acme
and org.apache
packages and creates a directory named 'jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear-report' in the /home/username/windup-reports/
directory to contain the reporting output.
bin/windup --input /home/username/windup-source/test-files/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear/ --output /home/username/windup-reports/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear-report --target eap --packages com.acme org.apache
Windup Quickstart Examples
For more concrete examples, see the Windup quickstarts located on GitHub here: https://github.com/windup/windup-quickstarts. If you prefer, you can download the latest release ZIP or TAR distribution of the quickstarts.
The quickstarts provide examples of Java-based and XML-based rules you can run and test using Windup. The README instructions provide a step-by-step guide to run the quickstart example. You can also look through the code examples and use them as a starting point for creating your own rules.
2.3. Review the Report
2.3.1. About the Report
When you execute Windup, the report is generated in the OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY
you specify for the --output
argument in the command line. This output directory contains the following files and subdirectories:
OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY/ ├── index.html (landing page for the report) ├── EXPORT_FILE.csv (optional export of data in CSV format) ├── archives/ (archives extracted from the application, for information only) ├── reports/ (generated HTML reports) ├── stats/ (performance statistics)
The report examples shown are a result of analyzing com.acme
and org.apache
packages in the test-files/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear application, which is located in the Windup core source repository. The report was generated using the using the following command.
WINDUP_HOME/bin/windup --input /home/username/windup-source/test-files/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear/ --output /home/username/windup-reports/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear-report --target eap --packages com.acme org.apache
The incidents and estimated Story Points change as new rules are added to Windup. The values here may not match what you see when you test this application. |
2.3.2. Access the Reports
Use your favorite browser to open the index.html
file located in the output report directory. You should see something like the following:
This page lists the applications that were processed along with the technologies that were encountered. It also provides links to the following additional reports.
Report | How to Access the Report |
Click on the link under the |
Click on the |
Click on the |
Click on the |
Click on the jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear link under the Name column to view the application report.
Application Report
Report Index
The first section of the application report page summarizes the entire application migration effort. It summarizes the mandadory, optional, and potential issues that were found. It also breaks the findings down by type and by whether the suggested updates are informational, trivial, complex, need redesign, or require architectural changes. It also summarizes the issues by package.
This is followed by a list of reports that contain additional details about the migration of this application.
Report Name | Description |
Migration Issues |
The Migration Issues report provides a concise summary of all issues that require attention. |
Application Details |
This provides a detailed overview of all resources found within the application that may need attention during the migration. |
Potential Issues |
The Potential Issues report is a numerical summary of potential issues. While they may potentially require attention, there is currently no detailed migration guidance available for these items. If you see issues here that require effort, please send them to us for further assistance. |
Unparsable |
This report shows all files that Windup could not parse in the expected format. For instance, a file with a |
Remote Services |
This report displays all remote services references that were found within the application. |
EJBs |
The EJB report contains a list of EJBs found within the application. |
Server Resources |
This report displays all server resources (for example, JNDI resources) in the input application. |
About |
This describes the current version of Windup and provides helpful links for further assistance. |
Click on the Application Details link under Additional Reports to see the the Application Details Report.
Application Details Report
The report lists the estimated story points, the Java incidents by package, and a count of the occurrences of the technologies found in the application. Next is a display of application messages generated during the migration process. Finally, there is a breakdown of this information for each archive analyzed during the process.
Expand the jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear/jee-example-services.jar
to review the estimated story points, Java incidents by package, and a count of the occurrences of the technologies found in this archive. This summary begins with a total of the story points assigned to its migration, followed by a table detailing the changes required for each file in the archive. The report contains the following columns.
Column Name | Description |
Name |
The name of the file being analyzed. |
Technology |
The type of file being analyzed, for example: Java Source, Decompiled Java File, Manifest, Properties, EJB XML, Spring XML, Web XML, Hibernate Cfg, Hibernate Mapping |
Issues |
Warnings about areas of code that need review or changes. |
Estimated Story Points |
Level of effort required to migrate the file. Story Points are covered in more detail in the Windup Rules Development Guide. |
The following is an example of the archive analysis summary section of a Windup Report. The following is an the analysis of the WINDUP_SOURCE/test-files/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear/jee-example-services.jar
File Analysis Pages
The analysis of the jee-example-services.jar
lists the files in the JAR and the warnings and story points assigned to each one. Notice the com.acme.anvil.listener.AnvilWebLifecycleListener
file, at the time of this test, has 22 warnings and is assigned 16 story points. Click on the file link to see the detail.
The Information section provides a summary of the story points and notes that the file was decompiled by Windup.
This is followed by the file source code listing. Warnings appear in the file at the point where migration is required.
In this example, warnings appear at various import statements, declarations, and method calls. Each warning describes the issue and the action that should be taken.
Later in the source code, warnings appear for the creation of the InitialContext and for JNDI lookup names.
Rule Provider Execution Report
As stated above,access this report by clicking on the All Rules
link at the bottom of the index page. This report provides the list of rule providers that executed when running the Windup migration command against the application. The report contains the following columns.
Column Name | Description |
Rule-ID |
The Rule ID |
Rule |
The Java code for the rule |
Statistics |
Statistics behind the graph |
Status? |
Whether the rule executed or not |
Result? |
Whether the execution was successful or not |
Failure Cause |
The reason for an execution failure |
Windup FreeMarker Functions and Directives Report
Access this report by clicking on the Windup FreeMarker Methods
link on the initial index page. This report lists all the registered functions and directives that were used to build the report. It is useful if you plan to build your own custom report or for debugging purposes.
Send Feedback Form
Access the feedback form by clicking on the Send Feedback
link on the initial index page. The form allows you to rate the product, talk about what you like and what needs to be improved. You can also attach a file.
2.4. Export the Report for Use by Spreadsheet Programs
Windup provides the ability to export the report data, including the Classifications and Hints, to a flat file on your local file system. The export function currently supports the CSV file format, which presents the report data as fields delimited by a comma (,) separator.
Windup follows the Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files standard for escaping special characters contained within each field in the file. The exported file has the following characteristics.
The file is named with the `.csv' file extension.
The first row is a header listing the names of the fields.
"Rule Id","Problem type","Title","Description","Links","Application","File Name","File Path","Line","Story points"
Each field is enclosed in double quotes (").
"FindUnboundJavaReferencesRuleProvider","hint","Unresolved Class Binding","","","JEE Example EJB Services (org.windup.example:jee-example-services:1.0.0)","ProductCatalogLocalHome.java","/home/username/windup-reports/jee-example-app-1.0.0.ear-report/archives/jee-example-services.jar/com/acme/anvil/service/ProductCatalogLocalHome.java","9","5"
Any double quote (") appearing within a field is preceded with another double quote.
"MyWindupRule","hint",""Replace the ""foo"" class","Replace the ""foo"" class instances with ""bar""",,"MyApp","MyApp.java","home/username/MyApp","200","8"
The CSV formatted file can be imported and manipulated by spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc. Spreadsheet software provide the ability to sort, analyze, evaluate, and manage the result data from a Windup report.
2.4.1. Enable the Export Functionality
To enable export of the report into CSV file, run Windup with --exportCSV
argument. The CSV file will be created in the directory specified by the --output
2.4.2. Import the CSV File into a Spreadsheet
Start the spreadsheet software (LibreOffice Calc, OpenOffice Calc, Microsoft Excel, etc.).
-→ `Open'. -
Navigate to the CSV exported file and select it.
The data is now ready to analyze in the spreadsheet software.
For more information or to resolve any issues, check the help for your spreadsheet software.
2.4.3. Overview of the CSV data structure
The CSV formatted output file contains the following data fields:
- Rule Id
The ID of the rule that generated the given item.
- Problem type
"Hint" or "Classification"
- Title
The title of the Classification or Hint. This field summarizes the issue for the given item.
- Description
The detailed description of the issue for the given item.
- Links
URLs that provide additional information about the issue. A link consists of two attributes: the link and a description of the link.
- Application
The name of the application for which this item was generated.
- File Name
The name of the file for the given item.
- File Path
The file path of the file for the given item.
- Line
The line number of the file for the given item.
- Story points
The number of story points, which represent the level of effort, assigned to the given item.
3. Additional Resources
3.1. Review the Windup Quickstarts
The Windup quickstarts provide working examples of how to create custom Java-based rule add-ons and XML rules. You can use them as a starting point for creating your own custom rules.
You can download a ZIP file of the latest released version of the quickstarts. Or, if you prefer to play around with the source code, you can fork and clone the windup-quickstarts project repository.
3.1.1. Download the Latest Quickstart ZIP
To download the latest quickstart ZIP file, browse to: https://github.com/windup/windup-quickstarts/releases
Click on the most recent release to download the ZIP to your local file system.
3.1.2. Fork and Clone the Quickstart GitHub Project
If you don’t have the GitHub client (git
), download it from: http://git-scm.com/
Click the
link on the Windup quickstart GitHub page to create the project in your own Git. The forked GitHub repository URL created by the fork should look like this: https://github.com/YOUR_USER_NAME/windup-quickstarts.git -
Clone your Windup quickstart repository to your local file system:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USER_NAME/windup-quickstarts.git
This creates and populates a
directory on your local file system. Navigate to the newly created directory, for examplecd windup-quickstarts/
If you want to be able to retrieve the lates code updates, add the remote
repository so you can fetch any changes to the original forked repository.git remote add upstream https://github.com/windup/windup-quickstarts.git
To get the latest files from the
repository.git reset --hard upstream/master
3.2. Get Involved
3.2.1. How can you help?
To help us make Windup cover most application constructs and server configurations, including yours, you can help with any of the following items. Many require only a few minutes of your time!
Send an email to windup-users@lists.jboss.org and let us know what should Windup migration rules cover.
Provide example applications to test migration rules.
Identify application components and problem areas that may be difficult to migrate.
Write a short description of these problem migration areas.
Write a brief overview describing how to solve the problem migration areas.
Try Windup on your application. Be sure to report any issues you encounter.
You can contribute to the Windup rules repository.
Write a Windup rule to identify or automate a migration process.
Create a test for the new rule.
Details are provided in the Windup Rules Development Guide.
You can also contribute to the project source code.
Create a core rule.
Improve Windup performance or efficiency.
See the Windup Core Development Guide for information about how to configure your environment and set up the project.
Any level of involvement is greatly appreciated!
3.3. Important Links
Windup wiki: https://github.com/windup/windup/wiki
Windup forums: https://community.jboss.org/en/windup
Windup JIRA issue trackers
Core Windup: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WINDUP
Windup Rules: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WINDUPRULE
Windup users mailing List: windup-users@lists.jboss.org
Windup on Twitter: @JBossWindup
Windup IRC channel: Server FreeNode (
), channel#windup
3.4. Known Windup Issues
Windup known issues are tracked here: Open Windup issues
3.5. Report Issues with Windup
Windup uses JIRA as its issue tracking system. If you encounter an issue executing Windup, please file a JIRA Issue.
3.5.1. Create a JIRA Account
If you do not yet have a JIRA account, create one using the following procedure.
Open a browser to the following URL: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa
Click the Sign Up link in the top right side of the page.
Enter your email address and click the
Confirm address
button. -
Follow the instructions sent to your email address.
3.5.2. Create a JIRA Issue
Open a browser to the following URL: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa.
If you have not yet logged in, click the Log In link at the top right side of the page.
Enter your credentials and click the
button. -
You are then redirected back to the Create Issue page.
Choose the following options and click the
For core Windup issues, choose Windup: (WINDUP).
For issues with Windup rules, choose: Windup rules (WINDUPRULES).
Issue Type: Bug
On the next screen complete the following fields:
Summary: Enter a brief description of the problem or issue.
Environment: Provide the details of your operating system, version of Java, and any other pertinent information.
Description: Provide a detailed description of the issue. Be sure to include logs and exceptions traces.
Click the
button to create the JIRA issue. -
If the application or archive causing the issue does not contain sensitive information and you are comfortable sharing it with the Windup development team, attach it to the issue by choosing
More → Attach Files
. You are provided with an option to restrict visibility to JBoss employees.
4. Appendix
4.1. Glossary of Terms Used in Windup
4.1.1. Rules Terms
- Rule
A piece of code that performs a single unit of work during the migration process. The following is an example of am XML-based rule that finds and reports on instances of
XML files and provides a link to a article on the Red Hat Customer Portal that describes how to migrate the file.<rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-04000"> <when> <xmlfile matches="/weblogic-ejb-jar" /> </when> <perform> <classification title="WebLogic EJB XML" severity="mandatory" effort="3"> <link href="https://access.redhat.com/articles/1326823" title="Map weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Elements to the jboss-ejb3.xml Descriptor" /> <tag>ejb</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
- RuleProvider
An implementation of OCPSoft ConfigurationProvider class specifically for Windup. It provides Rule instances and the relevant RuleProviderMetadata for those Java-based and XML-based Rule instances.
- Ruleset
A ruleset is a group of one or more RuleProviders that targets a specific area of migration, for example,
Spring → Java EE 6
orWebLogic → JBoss EAP
. A ruleset is packaged as a JAR and contains additional information needed for the migration, such as operations, conditions, report templates, static files, metadata, and relationships to other rulesets. The following Windup projects are rulesets.-
- Rules Metadata
Information about whether a particular ruleset applies to a given situation. The metadata can include the source and target platform and frameworks.
- Rules Pipeline
A collection of rules that feed information into the knowledge graph.
4.1.2. Reporting Terms
- Level of effort
The effort required to complete the migration task. Level of effort is represented as story points in the Windup reports.
- Story Point
A term commonly used in Scrum Agile software development methodology to estimate the level of effort needed to implement a feature or change. It does not necessarily translate to man-hours, but the value should be consistent across tasks. Story points are covered in more detail in the Windup Rules Development Guide.
4.2. Optimize Windup Performance
4.2.1. Overview
Windup performance depends on a number of factors, including hardware configuration, the number and types of files in the application, the size and number of applications to be evaluated, and whether the application contains source or compiled code. For example, a file that is larger than 10 MB may need a lot of time to process.
In general, Windup spends about 40% of the time decompiling classes, 40% of the time executing rules, and the remainder of the time processing other tasks and generating reports. This section describes what you can do to improve the performance of Windup.
4.2.2. Tips to Optimize Performance
Application and Command Line Suggestions
Try these suggestions first before upgrading hardware.
If possible, execute Windup against the source code instead of the archives. This eliminates the need to decompile additional JARs and archives.
Specify the
platform on the on theWINDUP_HOME/bin/windup
command line to limit the execution of rules to only those that apply to this target platform. -
Be sure to specify a comma-delimited list of the packages to be evaluated by Windup using the
argument on the `WINDUP_HOME/bin/windup`command line. If you omit this argument, Windup will decompile everything, which has a big impact on performance. -
Specify the
where possible to exclude them from processing. -
Add additional proprietary packages that should not be processed to the
file in the Windup distribution directory. Windup can still find the references to the packages in the application source code, but avoids the need to decompile and analyze the proprietary classes. -
If you have access to a server that has better resources than your laptop or desktop machine, you may want to consider running Windup on that server.
Hardware Upgrade Suggestions
If the steps above do not improve performance, you may need to upgrade your hardware.
If you have access to a server that has better resources than your laptop/desktop, than you may want to consider running Windup on that server.
Very large applications that require decompilation have large memory requirements. 8 GB RAM is recommended. This allows 3 - 4 GB RAM for use by the JVM.
An upgrade from a single or dual-core to a 4-core CPU processor provides better performance.
Disk space and fragmentation can impact performance. A fast disk, especially a Solid State Drive (SSD), with greater than 4 GB of defragmented disk space should improve performance.